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Kubernetes HPA : ExternalMetrics+Prometheus


Hello everyone,

Kubernetes has an extendable architecture on itself. This architecture is including auto-scaling and related to some requirements we need to scale our application according to the external resources metrics rather than default cpu and ram usage.

For example, when my dB connection increased I need to scale my cache deployment replicas and today, we will learn how the Kubernetes autoscaler metrics works and how we can handle this issue E2E (a little Prometheus )?

Let’s Start !

I divided the article into 3 main headings;

  • First of all, I will talk about HPA and METRIC server relationships in a basic way.
  • In the second chapter, we will integrate PROMETHEUS and prometheus-adapter with the k8s. We will then discuss two types of metrics; custom and external.
  • In the third chapter, we will look at the question of how we can implement our applications via HPA via external metrics.


  • 1 kubernetes cluster (1 master 1 node is sufficient [preferably spot]): D
  • 1 metric server
  • 1 deployment object and 1 hpa implementation

Kubernetes Metric Server

MetricServer Kubernetes is a structure that collects metrics from objects such as pods, nodes according to the state of CPU, RAM and keeps them in time.

In the Kubernetes world, we have heard the word addons a lot, and you can think of packages that can extend the existing kubernetes-api.

Metric-Server can be installed in the system as an addon. Under Stable repo, you can take and install it directly from the repo using the helm chart or the command below.

git clone https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/metrics-servercd metric-server && kubectl apply -f deploy/1.8+/

When the Metric server is installed directly, it is installed under the cube-system namespace.

Is it enough to just collect the metrics listens to them and according to him in the action I have mentioned above HPA is coming out.

We completed the first part in the article under the first phase, now let’s create a simple deployment object and the HPA structure attached to it and observe its behavior.

## deployment.yamlapiVersion: extensions/v1beta1

kind: Deployment
name: deployment-firstspec:
replicas: 2
app: deployment-first
- name: deployment-first
image: nginx
imagePullPolicy: Always
- containerPort: 80
protocol: TCP
cpu: "1m"
cpu: "100m

In the example above we are doing a basic deployment on an nginx then we will see its implementation on hpa. Then we will connect to the corresponding deployment object on the hpa.

apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
name: nginx-cpu-hpa
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: deployment-first
minReplicas: 2
maxReplicas: 10
- type: Resource
name: cpu
targetAverageUtilization: 80

Let’s run these commands :

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml && kubectl apply -f hpa.yaml

And get the output of the results :

NAME REFERENCE TARGETS MINPODS MAXPODS REPLICAS AGEnginx-cpu-hpa Deployment/deployment-first 100%/80% 2 10 7 25s

When we look at the above outputs, we have been able to collect metrics on the basis of CPU and even our application has been scale.

In the diagram above, first the resource is created via metrics.k8s.io on the cubicle and pushed to metric api.

When viewed, it receives data from the metric api from HPA.

Consequently, it increases or decreases the number of pod replica from cube-apiserver from HPA. By default, Metric api can collect metrics such as CPU / RAM, but how can we implement our applications on different metrics other than the above.

Now let’s move on to the second title of our article.

Prometheus and Custom Metrics

Prometheus is a metric database that holds the metrics sent to it in the form of time series for us.

If we look at the diagram above, prometheus can pull the data from the which application share the metrics .

Metrics that can be collected from Kubernetes can also be metrics by exporters that also include metrics in your own application in a custom way.

Now let’s first set the prometheus to the cluster we have. I’m getting helm’s stable charts repo to do it myself.

git clone https://github.com/helm/charts.git

cd charts/stable

helm install — name prometheus ./prometheus

I keep the Prometheus bet on the prometheus adapter. Two important issues appear when examining the prometheus adapter file under a stable repo.

If we go back to Kubernetes, CPU RAM node connected components can collect metrics in itself, but when we look at it, we need the get metrics related to our applications like http_connections, error_rate of requests, session_count and etc .

This is where the Prometheus adapter comes into play and collects the metrics gathered in prometheus through the kubernetes metric apis under custom and external metrics.

Custom/External Metric API

Custom metrics are shared by our exporters as a metrics on kubernetes custom_metric_api.

helm install — name prometheus-adapter ./prometheus-adapter

We also get the external metrics, which is the main reason for the problem, through this adapter. If we take a look at the Prometheus adapter.

Stackdriver is generally recommended to open external metrics, but I will use the DirectXMan12 / k8s-prometheus-adapter project.

After the Prometheus adapter is installed, each metric counterpart that comes to prometheus is reflected in the custom-metric-api-server.

kubectl get — raw “/apis/custom.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1/” | jq

I have set up a mongo-exporter for testing purposes and in addition, metric from the mongo-exporter via prometheus adapter reaches custom.metrics.api after prometheus.

Below are the outputs of mongo related metric custom api.


Custom Metric Api is now integrated into the kubernetes API with apiregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1 endpoint to Kubernetes.

Here we can now connect HPA to the custom metric api and connect it to our own metric.

Let’s check the example at the below , and now we can fetch the redis-connections metric from prometheus export of redis .

apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscale:
name: redis-hpa
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: redis
minReplicas: 2
maxReplicas: 10
- type: Pods
metricName: redis-connections
targetAverageValue: 10

However, the main problem here is that custom metrics cannot affect any other pods, since their metrics are only collected for redis pods.

Problem :

Applications have different metrics within themselves. These can be CPU, memory, I / O. But the external metrics can affect our application. These can be redis_connection, mongodb_connection or count of the member on the shop . These metrics has a common point , metrics are not coming from inside of application, these metrics are coming from external components related to the application .

For example ;

When the connection count on Mongodb increases, there may be three situations in which my application on the web-api should self-implement. In this context, we can only use the mongo-exporter metric for mongo pods when we clarify this by HPA.

For this kind of needs, we collect them under external.metrics.k8s.io in kubernetes.

What we mean is that the metrics that only concern a pod can be shared. So we can use these metrics in other components.

To do this, we need to configure a prometheus-adapter.

{{- if .Values.rules.external }}apiVersion: apiregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1kind: APIServicemetadata:labels:app: {{ template “k8s-prometheus-adapter.name” . }}name: v1beta1.external.metrics.k8s.io

I am adding to the values.yaml side of a sample rule that I need to add some rules to work on external api as seen above.

- seriesQuery: ‘{__name__=~”mongodb_connections”}’resources:overrides:kubernetes_namespace: {resource: “namespace”}kubernetes_pod_name: {resource: “pod”}name:matches: “”as: “mongodb_current_connection”metricsQuery: sum( mongodb_connections{state=”current”,} )

Prometheus by each metrigi gelicek no longer specified in the query now I share externally.

Normally the prometheus shares the number of available connections through its mongo_exporter structure, which can be around 8000.

I have questioned the current number of connections by adding metric Query to prometheus adapter external rule as above.

I can now control the external api.

kubectl get — raw \ 
"/apis/external.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/monitoring/mongodb_current_connection" | jq

That result of external metric value :



I can now implement my application based on the number of connections in mongodb. Hpa As mentioned above, Custom metrics can now be used as external metrics in the entire cluster universe.

apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
name: app-server-mongo-conn-hpa
minReplicas: 2
maxReplicas: 5
- type: External

metricName: mongodb_current_connection
targetValue: 30
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: deployment-first

You can check the final status both by the kubernetes and to make sure mongo_connections are calculated correctly

kubectl describe hpa app-server-mongo-conn-hpa

and connect to the mongodb

var status = db.serverStatus()status.connections{“current” : 9, “available” : AAAAA}


Now in the above universe, I have become measurable with a metric that my own application has exported.

The biggest problem that prevents us here is the fact that custom metrics only work with the relevant pod source, because the independent components that work together always affect them in the world of microservice.



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This repository contains an implementation of the Kubernetes resource metrics API and custom metrics API. This adapter…github.com



Published in kloia

Digital Transition with Cloud, DevOps and Microservices enablement

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